The Continuing Struggle for Philippine Sovereignty: A New Turn

  • Daniel Boone Schirmer


The post-EDSA era has witnessed a heightened struggle for Philippine sovereignty. Nothing is more indicative of this turning point than the rejection by the Philippine Senate of the RP-US base treaty in 1991 in dramatic fashion. Despite this historic gain, the struggle continues as the United States insists on having military presence in Philippine soil. In 1992, an access agreement was entered into by the U.S. Navy's Pacific High Command and the Philippine military, giving the U.S. Armed Forces access to Philippine ports, airfields and military installations. It was at this juncture that public opposition to such access policy gained momentum. Evidently rot contented, the United States in November 1994 sought to forge an Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement (ACSA) but only to face more indignant protest from the Philippine Congress, the press, anti-bases groups and other sectors. From their experience over the past decade in their crusade against eternal aggression, tie Filipino people have learned many lessons and undoubtedly translated them into potent actions.