Canarium ovatum Engl.: The Next Wonder Tree of the Philippines

  • Cedrick V. Alguzar University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Jessica D. Rey University of the Philippines Diliman


Canarium ovatum Engl., commonly known as pili or pili nut, is a tropical nut-bearing tree that has high economic importance and has been recognized as a potential export commodity worthy of intensive research and development activities primary because almost all of its parts can be utilized for the production of agricultural, commercial, industrial, pharmaceutical, and cosmeceutical products. However, this tree along with its relatives in the genus Canarium L., is still very much underutilized and understudied. This paper presents the existing scientific knowledge on the morphology, ecology, propagation, uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of pili, as well as the current status of its industry to emphasize the many possible uses of the tree. Possible research and development opportunities on pili were also considered to better understand its biology, which will be of great use in strengthening its growing industry towards being the next wonder tree. We propose here the opportunity to use in vitro propagation.
