Pancasila Industrial Relations: A Philosophical Approach

  • Soeganda Priyatna Communication Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia


The system of Industrial Relations is different in every country, depending on the influence of the country's principles and philosophy. Therefore, Indonesian Industrial Relations can be said to be the reflection of the Indonesian way of life, the Pancasila. Pancasila means five principles: belief in God, humanity, nationalism, democracy, and prosperity. The Pancasila Industrial Relations system is connected to the political system.

Besides the five principles, Pancasila Industrial Relations also embody the Tridharma (from Sanskrit, Tri mean three Dharma means duties, tasks and responsibilities). Tridharma carries three elements that develop dynamic relations between workers and employers.

The Tridharma consists of:

a. Rumongso Handerbeni, a principle connoting a partnership, namely partnership in production, and partnership in profit.

b. Melu hang rungkebi, a principle of partnership in responsibility.

c. Mulat sariri hangrosowani, a principle of self-recognition and introspection.

The principles can be achieved through a kind of accommodation among the three elements in the Industrial Relations, namely the workers, the employers and the government.

Author Biography

Soeganda Priyatna, Communication Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Dean, Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia