Tracking the dynamic variations in a social network formed through shared interests

  • Gerold Pedemonte University of the Philippines
  • May Lim University of the Philippines


We tracked the dynamics of a social network formed by a shared interest in movies. Users-, movie ratings-, and rental date-data from the Netflix Prize dataset were used to construct a series of date-filtered social networks, wherein viewers were linked when they rented the same movie and gave the same rating. We obtained a nearly constant high clustering coefficient (0.60 – 0.85), and a low average path length (1.4 – 2.3) indicating a static 'small-world' network despite the dynamic behavior of the borrowers.

Author Biographies

Gerold Pedemonte, University of the Philippines
National Institute of Physics
May Lim, University of the Philippines
National Institute of Physics


social network; time series analysis; complex systems; small-world network