Alipato, A Journal of Basic Education is a double-blind refereed journal in English and Filipino that aims to disseminate information on trends, developments, and research findings relevant to basic education. It is published annually by the Office of Research, Development, and Publication (ORDP) of the University of the Philippines Integrated School (UPIS).

Alipato was first published in 1996. In 2005, it evolved into a refereed journal, implementing a two-level double-blind review process, which remains in place. In 2011, Alipato expanded its readership by joining the U.P. Diliman Journals Online (UPDJOL).  

Alipato, meaning "flying ember" in Filipino, symbolizes a powerful idea that can spark significant change. Alipato, A Journal of Basic Education shares impactful ideas that could transform Philippine education. (Based on Vol. 3 No. 3 Introduction by Dr. Resuma and Vol. 6 Introduction by Assoc. Prof. Ocampo)


Ethics Statement

Alipato, A Journal of Basic Education is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in all aspects of publishing. Authors submitting manuscripts to Alipato are expected to adhere to the principles of academic integrity, honesty, and transparency. Plagiarism, data fabrication, and falsification are strictly prohibited, and all sources must be appropriately cited. Authors must declare any potential conflicts of interest that may influence their research or its interpretation. Additionally, all research involving human subjects must comply with ethical standards and receive approval from relevant institutional review boards. By submitting their work to Alipato, authors affirm their commitment to ethical research practices and agree to abide by the journal's ethical guidelines.

Open Access Policy Statement

Alipato, A Journal of Basic Education is dedicated to fostering open access to scholarly knowledge in the field of basic education. This ensures that articles are readily accessible to readers and researchers alike in the Alipato UPDJOL website. It is imperative that proper citation to the journal as the original source is provided, and downloaded content is not altered or used for commercial purposes. 

Alipato does not charge any form of fees from the authors.

Data Availability Statement

Authors are encouraged to make the data underlying their research findings publicly available upon request, except in cases of ethical or legal constraints. Alipato supports transparency and reproducibility in research and encourages authors to adhere to best practices for data sharing.