Situational Analysis for the Development of an Instructional Media Program

  • Elenita N. Que


Many people agree that technological developments have added value to the   processes of learning, and in the organization and management of learning institutions. These developments have changed the competencies required of teachers and students for them to function effectively in today’s society. Information and communication technology (ICT) has become one of the core concepts that teachers and students alike have to master to equip them for the 21st century. This paper is part of an attempt to develop an instructional media program for an educational institution to address the need for a system that will ensure the effective integration of technology in the curriculum. This study is the situational analysis of the program development model, which aims to determine the gaps of what is desired and what is currently happening. The gaps will then be the basis for the development of the other components of the instructional media program. The entire program development process is based on the Program Development (PD) Logic Model.
