Étude Préliminaire De Quelques Aspects De Syntaxe Iraya

  • Nicole Revel Macdonald


Abstract (original text in French)

This work was written after three trips undertaken by the author (and her husband) to the islands of Mindoro and Palawan. The study took place in Pagbahan (Kalamintao). MacDonald described the linguistic situation of the area with the people speaking both Tagalog and Iraya, with varying degrees of proficiency and preference based on age and level of education.

The linguistic survey was conducted using eliciting materials and by collecting mythological texts. MacDonald used the 200-word Swadesh list and a 200-sentence list by Dr. Ernesto Constantino. The mythological corpus consists of three narratives and two songs, namely:

  1. Alitaw (about a man with dogs; Alitaw is the god of hunting)

  2. Maburway (portrait of the master of honey)

  3. Maburway’s teaching to people/men (the art of collecting honey)

  4. Song to Dyaga (Dyaga is the deity of rivers and fishing; two shadows, Magsamuru and Maglantipen, accompany him and sing)

  5. Song of Dyaga to Alitaw (a portrait of Alitaw)

The article contains a description of the phonology of Iraya (consonants, vowels, stress), morphology (types of morphemes—roots and affixed forms, syllable types, affixes, word categories—nouns and numerals, verbs, and functional particles [i.e. focus /complement determiners], pronouns), and syntax (definite and indefinite constructions, coordination, phrase structure and tree structures). In several parts, comparisons to Alangan were also included in the discussion.
