Some New Morphemes in Philippine Languages

  • Cecilio Lopez


A few years ago I became interested in (a) the reflexes of Dempwolff's doublet reconstructions in the Philippine languages and (b) in non-productive infixes in the lndonesian languages. To gather the basic data I went through Dempwolff's three volume work (Vergleichende Lautlehre). In the process of gathering the data, some of Dempwolff's reconstructions called to mind equivalents ln the Philippine languages which are not reflexes of his reconstructions. My curiosity was aroused and simulteneous with the data I was gathering for (a) and (b) above, I made list of the equivalents which I came to in a random manner and by accident. This list is the subject of this paper which, at this stage, makes no claim to exhaustiveness. And it is not the intention either to use diagnostic vocabulary.
