• Philippine Engineering Journal
    Vol 45 No 02 (2024)

    The PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL serves as a medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of research articles, review articles, short communications, and letters to the editor. Published by UP National Engineering Center, the PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL is being distributed at reasonable rates to various government agencies, private industrial concerns, engineering schools, professional organizations, international entities, and practitioners in the field of engineering.

  • Vol 45 No 01 (2024)

    The PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL serves as a medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of research articles, review articles, short communications, and letters to the editor. Published by UP National Engineering Center, the PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL is being distributed at reasonable rates to various government agencies, private industrial concerns, engineering schools, professional organizations, international entities, and practitioners in the field of engineering.

  • Vol 44 No 02 (2023)

    The PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL serves as a medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of research articles, review articles, short communications, and letters to the editor. Published by UP National Engineering Center, the PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL is being distributed at reasonable rates to various government agencies, private industrial concerns, engineering schools, professional organizations, international entities, and practitioners in the field of engineering.




    Prof. Maria Antonia N. Tanchuling, Ph.D.
    Executive Director National Engineering Center

    Dr. Rinlee Butch M. Cervera



    Dr. Marjorie L. Baynosa
    Dr. Ariel C. Blanco
    Dr. Michael Angelo A. Pedrasa
    Dr. Leslie Joy L. Diaz
    Dr. John Richard E. Hizon
    Dr. Iris Ann G. Martinez
    Dr. Susan Pancho-Festin
    Dr. Edwin N. Quiros
    Dr. Analiza P. Rollon
    Dr. Karl N. Vergel


    Dr. Alias Abdul Rahman
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

    Dr. Joost Santos
    George Washington University, USA

    Dr. Jiro Takemura
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

    Dr. Chua-Chin Wang
    National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan

    Dr. Jeffrey Rimer
    University of Houston, USA

    Dr. Po-Ya Abel Chuang
    University of California Merced, USA



    Dr. Hongbo Cong
    University of Akron, USA

    Dr. Mary Lyn Lim
    Coatings Innovation Center, USA

    Dr. Aristotle Ubando
    De La Salle University, Philippines


    Arlene H. De Ocampo
    Head, Engineering Information Division, National Engineering Center

    Patricia M. Estopace
    Publication Coordinator

    Erwin G. Gabriel
    Layout Artist

  • Vol 43 No 2 (2022)

    Stop-Go Map (green for go, red for stop) based on the School Reopening Viability (SRV). The SRV is an indicator that the region has already reached the downtick points (infection, death) based on their vaccination coverage. (a) Infection SRV; (b) Death SRV; (c) Vaccination Coverage as of February 2022.


    Vol 43 No 1 (2022)

    The PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL serves as a medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of research articles, review articles, short communications, and letters to the editor. Published by UP National Engineering Center, the PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL is being distributed at reasonable rates to various government agencies, private industrial concerns, engineering schools, professional organizations, international entities, and practitioners in the field of engineering.

  • Philippine Engineering Journal
    Vol 41 No 2 (2020)

    The Philippine Engineering Journal (PEJ) serves as a national medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of original works, technical papers, technical notes and research briefs in the field of engineering. Published semi­annually by the National Engineering Center (NEC), it is being distributed at reasonable rates to schools, professional organizations, international entities, and practitioners.


    The PEJ invites authors who wish to publish their works in the fields of chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, electrical and electronics engineering, geodetic engineering, energy engineering, environmental engineering, industrial engineering and operations research, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgical engineering, and mining engineering

  • Vol 41 No 1 (2020)

    The PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL serves as a national medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of technical papers, technical notes, and research briefs. Published by the UP National Engineering Center, the PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL is being distributed at reasonable rates to various government agencies, private industrial concerns, engineering schools, professional organizations, international entities and practitioners in the field of engineering.


    ISSN 0117 5564

  • Vol 38 No 2 (2017)

    The PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL serves as a national medium of exchange of technical information and dissemination of engineering knowledge through the publication of technical papers, technical notes, and research briefs. Published by the U.P. Engineering Research and Development Foundation, Inc. for the National Engineering Center, the PHILIPPINE ENGINEERING JOURNAL is being distributed at reasonable rates to various government agencies, private industrial concerns, engineering schools, professional organizations, international entities and practitioners in the field of engineering.

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