Philippine Humanities Review (2023-2024): Rebyu ng Arte at Literatura ng Pilipinas
Vol 25 No 1This special issue contains articles developed by the contributors from their paper presentations in the Freedoms of Speech in Asia: 2023 Speech Communication Conference organized by the Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts (DSCTA) in October 2023 at the University of the Philippines Diliman. Its contents touch on the different pedagogical, theoretical, and methodological paradigms currently animating the discipline of speech communication in the Philippines.
Vol 22 No 2 (2020)
If you wish to have the full texts of the articles of Philippine Humanities Review, please contact the College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines Diliman at (+63 2) 928-7508 or 981-8500 local 2105 and phr_2011@yahoo.com.
1 - 23 of 23 items