Examining ECCD Structures and Service Delivery Mechanisms in Local Government During COVID-19

  • Kathleen Keisha R. Constantino College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman


The article examines early childhood care and development (ECCD) interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic, focused on enabling structures and service delivery mechanisms. It was observed that a multisectoral and interagency approach, where ECCD players at various levels are clearly defined, is operational. While there are efforts in the focal local government unit (LGU) to provide services to children during the pandemic, the LGU focused more on the continuity of services in a remote manner rather than being responsive to new needs that might have arisen in light of the pandemic. Their ECCD pandemic response was ultimately made possible by an institutionalized ECCD sector within their LGU’s structure. Findings suggest that strengthening and capacitating existing institutions, which continue supporting the needs of children and their families, allow local governments to become more responsive to this sector. Thus, LGUs can explore the extent of the collaboration among different sectors, and whether or not they have the absorptive capacity to mainstream ECCD into existing institutions and local development plans.

Author Biography

Kathleen Keisha R. Constantino, College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman

Kathleen Keisha R. Constantino is assistant professor at the Department of Family Life and Child Development, College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman. She is also preschool teacher at the U.P. Child Development Center. E-mail: krconstantino1@up.edu.ph.
