Determinants of Toothpaste Brand Choice in Urban Philippines

  • Ben Paul B. Gutierrez U.P. College of Business Administration, Diliman


This paper investigates toothpaste brand choice behavior of consumers in urban Philippines. It proceeds from an earlier paper which utilized discriminant analysis and discusses another approach to the problem using logistic regression. Consumers' evaluation of toothpaste brands and their preferred brands were used to estimate logit models. With the exception of Colgate brand, the goodness of fit of the estimated models is generally high as shown by the prediction rates and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) numbers. Finally, the comparable prediction rates, AICs, and Schwartz Criterion (SC) numbers have also shown that the last brand bought is a significant predictor of brand choice. This variable can also replace the brand most frequently purchased as a dependent variable of the brand choice models.

Author Biography

Ben Paul B. Gutierrez, U.P. College of Business Administration, Diliman
Professor of Marketing