A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All


Mabilangan, Arvin I., University of the Philippines Diliman
Macansantos, Priscilla Supnet
Macapinlac, Manuel
Madrid, Ryan Gabriel S., University of the Philippines Diliman
Magbanua, Francis S., University of the Philippines
Magbanua, Francis S., University of the Philippines Diliman (Philippines)
Magbanua, Francis S., University of the Philippines Diliman
Magbitang, Riza A., University of the Philippines Diliman
Magdalita, Pablito M., University of the Philippines Los Baños
Magluyan, Virginia
Magno, Michelle
Magsino, Richard
Maiquilla, Sheena Marie B.
Malay, Maria Celia Defrance
Mallan, T.
Mamauag, Samuel
Mamolo, C.
Manalo, Laureen Morillo, UP Visayas
Manay, R. L.
Mancebo, Fay
Maningding, Marienne, University of the Philippines Diliman
Manipulation for Improved Tilapia Project, Fish Genetics Breeding Program Genetic
Manlosa, Armilyn
Manuel, Ayn
Manyaga, Joseph
Mapile, Maria Reynalen F., * Marie Christine M. Obusan Institute of Biology College of Science University of the Philippines
Maraña, B. D.
Marciano Jr., Joel Joseph, University of the Philippines
Marco, R.
Marcos, Ma. Sheila Angeli
Marquez, Cielo Mae D., University of the Philippines
Martin, Marilou
Martinez-Goss, Milagrosa
Martires, Concepcion
Marzan, M.
Masangcay, Shirlamaine Irina G., Caraga State University
Mateo, Zenon
Matias, Ambrocio Melvin A., University of the Philippines Diliman
Matias, Ronald
Matias, Ronald R., Research and Biotech Div., St. Luke's Medical Center
McGlone, Douglas
Meñez, Lambert Anthony B
Medina, Celia
Medina, Norma G., University of the Philippines Los Baños
Mena, Manolo
Mendenilla, Alexander
Mendoza, Christopher O., Philippine Nuclear Research Institute-DOST
Mendoza, Earl Anthony, University of the Philippines
Mendoza, Jamie P., University of the Philippines Diliman
Mendoza, Renier G.
Mendoza, Rogel Victor D., University of the Philippines
Menez, Marie Antonette Juinio, UP Diliman
Mequila, Annie Trixie
Merino, Dennis I., Southeastern Louisiana University
Merino, Dennis I., Southeastern Louisiana University (United States of America)
Mernilo-Tutanes, Lezel N., Bukidnon State University
Metillo, Ephrime B., Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
Metillo, Ephrime B.
Micaller, Mary Claire
Migita, M.
Migo, Veronica P., University of the Philippines
Mingoa-Licuanan, S. Suzanne
Miyata, H.
Molina, Victorio B., University of the Philippines Manila
Molina, Ziljih S., Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
Monsalud, Rosario
Montaño, Marco Nemesio E., University of the Philippines Diliman
Montaño, Marco Nemesio E., University of the Philippines
Montano, Marco Nemesio E., University of the Philippines Diliman
Monteiro, Janio Miguel E.F., INOV-INESC
Monterde, Little Hermie B., University of the Philippines Manila
Monterola, C.
Monterola, C. P.
Monterola, Christopher
Morales, Marienette
Muga II, Felix
Mumpar-Victoria, Marie Redina
Muriel, Amador
Mutia, W. G.