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Author Guidelines

  1. Originality: The article must not have been previously published in any other publication.
  2. Length: 20-30 pages or 6,000-8,000 words, double-spaced, including photos/illustrations and references.
  3. Citation Style: Chicago Manual of Style (author-date system).
  4. Visuals: Include captions and sources for each photo or visual used.
  5. Informed Consent: Authors are responsible for obtaining informed consent for text or images used.
  6. Anonymity: Omit the author’s name; submit a separate document containing a 300-500 word author bio.
  7. Abstract: Include a 300-500 word abstract; for articles in Filipino, provide an English title and abstract, and for articles in English, provide an extended abstract in Filipino (1-2 pages, single-spaced).
  8. Keywords: Include five (5) keywords in the abstract matching the language of the article.
  9. Formatting: Times New Roman font, 12 font size, 1-inch margin on all sides, justified alignment.
  10. Page Numbers: Include page numbers on the top-right corner of each page.