Exploring Jesus Christ in Indonesian Poetry: Transcending Religious Boundaries in the Portrayal of Divinity
Indonesia is known as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world and where Christians comprise only 10.29% of the national population. Consequently, the figure of Jesus Christ is not particularly popular among the Indonesian public. This study aims to examine the portrayal of Jesus Christ in Indonesian poetry. The analysis will close read 25 poems, written by 10 Indonesian poets representing diverse Christian and Muslim backgrounds. Through the examination of these literary works, it becomes evident that the depiction of Jesus Christ in Indonesian poetry revolves around five prevailing themes: as the Savior of all humanity, as a member of specific communities, as a catalyst for sinners’ repentance, as a figure whose sanctity is questioned, and as a stern judge of humanity. This paper’s investigation reveals that Jesus Christ has permeated Indonesian cultural production, albeit with depictions that do not align with the official teachings of Christianity.