The Philippine Journal of Educational Studies (PJES) is published by the University of the Philippines (UP), College of Education. It is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal interested in providing relevant and novel insights on education systems, learners, teachers, and related disciplines to an international audience. PJES is published twice a year. Its precursor is the Education Quarterly which was published between 1953 and 2015.
Aim and Scope
The Philippine Journal of Education Studies aims to advance scholarship on theoretical and applied studies on teaching and learning, assessment, education governance, learner support, teacher professional development, and education innovations. PJES publishes papers that systematically capture and analyze the Philippine experience relating to lifelong learning, teaching, education policies, programs, and systems. PJES publications present original ideas and relevant wisdom that are well-informed by sound theory and methodology and insightful analyses. It also provides a venue for comparative education studies especially those that include the Philippines.
As a scholarly publication, PJES accepts submissions which fall under the following categories:
1. Original Research Reports
An original research report is written by those directly involved in the conduct of the research study. In the paper, the researchers describe their work in five main sections. It is also accompanied by an abstract, references cited, and tables/figures.
The Original Research Report may have no more than 8,000 words including references, tables, and figures. Its main body should have the following parts: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion, and Conclusion. The Introduction of the paper should include the theoretical basis, review of literature, research aims and questions. The Methods section should describe the study's research design, participants, instruments, procedures, data analysis, data management and ethical considerations. The Results section should present the original findings of the study and address the research questions. The Discussion section must elaborate on the results in relation to the research problems, theoretical framework, and related literature. The Conclusion section should discuss the findings and recommendations in relation to the purpose, and the significance of these findings. References should immediately follow. The abstract word limit is 200 words. Format, tables, figures, references, and citations must follow the APA 7th edition guidelines.
2. Theoretical Reviews
A theoretical review is a systematic analysis and synthesis of relevant literature about a key topic in education. Its main body provides a comprehensive summary and critical analysis of the research literature. Theoretical papers explicate the state of the research or field of study. The theoretical review should inform practice and discuss implications for education practice. It provides perspectives on where the field is heading and on resulting research spaces. An abstract of 200 words accompanies the theoretical review.
The Theoretical Review may have 10,000 words including references, tables, and figures. It is strongly recommended that the theoretical review includes a minimum sample of 75 primary research articles. Format, references, and citations must follow the APA 7th edition guidelines.
3. Education Policy Papers
The Education Policy Paper is a research-based piece that focuses on a specific policy issue. It provides a summary of a prevailing policy environment impacting education and learners. The paper defines problems and issues in policy formulation and articulation based on current theoretical and/or implementation research. The commentary discusses justifications for policy review, revision, or development.
An Education Policy Paper may have a maximum of 8000 words including references, tables, and figures. The sections of the Education Policy Commentary are: Introduction, Context, and Problem Definition; Research-based Policy Analysis, Criteria for Judging Policy Options, Discussion, and Recommendations. Its abstract may have no more than 200 words. Format, references, and citations must follow the APA 7th edition guidelines.
PJES Ethics Statement
PJES systematically undertakes steps to ensure that papers published comply with the strictest intellectual honesty and ethics guidelines for research and publications. However, the claims, information, or arguments in the published articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the members of the editorial board and the UP College of Education. It is the responsibility of the contributors to secure permission to reprint certain parts (e.g., illustrations, graphs) of copyrighted works. Articles already published in other journals should not be submitted for evaluation to the Philippine Journal of Education Studies. Also, contributors must not submit their articles for consideration while these are being evaluated for publication in another journal.
Authors' Data Availability Statement
Authors are encouraged to provide access to data used in their research after it has been accepted for publication in the PJES. Below is the suggested statement for this purpose:
“The data used in this paper are available upon written request addressed to the corresponding author(s) of the paper. This request will be evaluated by the author(s) before responding.”
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