• Call for Papers Special Issue of the Philippine Journal of Education Studies for the National Conference on Research in Teacher Education 2023

    Call for Papers Special Issue of the Philippine Journal of Education Studies for the International Conference on  Teacher Education 2024

    As  paper  presenters  during  the  last  International  Conference  on  Teacher  Education (ICTED) held at the Iloilo Convention Center, Iloilo City Philippines from November 13 to 15,  2024,  you  are  invited  to  submit  a  paper  for  consideration  to  the  Philippine  Journal  of Education  Studies  (PJES).  The  Philippine  Journal  of  Education  Studies  (PJES),  which  is housed  at  the  University  of  the  Philippines  College  of  Education,  welcomes  submissions  that  advance  scholarship  on  theoretical  and  applied  studies  on  teaching  and  learning, assessment, education governance, learner support, teacher professional development, and education innovations. The PJES also publishes papers that systematically capture and analyze the Philippine experience relating to lifelong learning, teaching, education policies, programs and systems. The PJES publications present original ideas and relevant wisdom that are well-informed by theory, sound methodology, and insightful analyses.  All papers will undergo a rigorous peer review process. 

    The  Philippine  Journal  of  Education  Studies  accepts  submissions  through  bit.ly/PJES_ICTEDSubmissionForm.  We  look  forward  to  your  submissions  by  April  30, 2025. For inquiries, you may email: educ.pjes.upd@up.edu.ph. 


    Read more about Call for Papers Special Issue of the Philippine Journal of Education Studies for the National Conference on Research in Teacher Education 2023
  • Open Call for Papers


    Open Call for Papers


    The Philippine Journal of Education Studies (PJES) aims to advance scholarship in the field of Education.  Of interest are theoretical and applied studies on teaching and learning, assessment, education governance, learner support, teacher professional development, and education innovations. The PJES publishes papers that systematically capture and analyze the Philippine experience relating to lifelong learning, teaching, education policies, programs, and systems. The PJES publications present original ideas and relevant insights that are well informed by theory, sound methodology, and insightful analyses. It also provides a venue for comparative education studies especially those that include the Philippines.   

    As a scholarly publication, the PJES accepts original research reports, theoretical reviews, and education policy papers.  More information can be found in the PJES Journal Information section.   The Philippine Journal of Education Studies accepts submissions through bit.ly/PJESSubmissionForm.  


    For inquiries, you may email:  educ.pjes.upd@up.edu.ph.  


    Read more about Open Call for Papers