Frequency Conversion of the 355 nm Nd:YAG Laser via Stimulated Raman Scattering in Hydrogen
The third-harmonic 355 nm output of a pulsed Nd-YAG laser is converted into UV, VIS, and NIR laser light by stimulated Raman scattering in high pressure hydrogen gas. Laser lines in the 223 to 309 nm and 416 to 865 nm spectral regions are generated by anti-Stokes and Stokes Raman shifting, respectively. Experimental results on the energy output, conversion efficiencies, spectral profile, and temporal behavior of the various Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman laser lines are presented. The first and second Stokes shifted wavelength with wavelengths of 416 nm and 503 nm yielded a maximum energy conversion efficiency of 60.4% and 58.8% , respectively.
stimulated Raman scattering; Raman shifting; frequency conversion
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